Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, April 29th, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, 1:47, Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

After a few days of infernally hot weather for spring, finally today it is cooler. I could have done without the drizzle, however.

Been meaning to stop at the library to check my messages. I am sure that Daniel has written to me. Just haven't wanted my visits to become routine. Didn't want to have anyone notice my patterns. Well, perhaps Miss Dorian has, but she seemed trust worthy enough. I had gotten over my initial distrust and gotten used to her presence there.

I was sure that Shari has written to me as well. Apprising me of her plans. Last I'd heard her lawyer was taking care of her estate and that she was in therapy for all the damage done by her parents over the years. She asked for a visit. I will see about meeting her sometime, though not sure when and where and I surely hoped she wasn't going to suggest a fancy place as I don't have the proper apparel for such venues.

I walked along with my sign, my usual route. Found the contents of a pocket at a curb. Someone was probably in a hurry and accidentally dumped out their pocket. Nothing much, a grocery note, a five dollar bill, some coins, a sample sized spray bottle of perfume. Thankfully, nothing of Veidt's swill. His garbage may have been popular, and I confess to have worn it, however, to me now it smelled of corruption and filth.

This stuff smelled nice. It was called Satin. Smelled like rain and cucumbers. I put it in my pocket and earmarked the Five dollars for a meal.

Went to my usual newsstand for New Frontiersman and the Washington Post. The city was abuzz over this Swine Flu. Hadn't made it to DC yet, however, it was all over the headlines. First death in Houston. A baby brought over from Mexico. Bringing fresh germs over. Wondered why they hadn't closed the borders yet. Thought about someone I knew in Houston, hoped she was ok.

Headline under the newspaper fold, Veidt officially denied parole. No surprise there. A photo of him, looking trim and coiffed. That stupid expression on his face, feigned innocence. Made my stomach turn.

I wandered away a few yards when I heard the newspaper vendor starting to yell.

"Hey! That guy just robbed me! Stop that guy!"

A man, light in frame, dressed in black with a black bandanna tied across his face to hide all but his eyes started to run from the news stand. Fool ran in my direction.

Quickly I stuck my foot out as he ran passed. He hit the pavement hard.

"What the hell, get out of my way Mother F**ker." He shouted at me.

I looked down dispassionately and swung my sign downward and hit him with it. It broke in two.

Before I could do anything else, however, other citizens piled on top of him, stopping his movements. I used the commotion to pick up the pieces of my sign and slip off, quietly, hoping not to be noticed.

Crap, need a new sign now. I said as I stood a few blocks away and looked at it. The ply wood had snapped in half. I could probably make an smaller skinny sign, but that would not be very prominent. I frowned as I tore the ply wood off the long piece and tucked it under my arm. It would serve another purpose now. Needed to find another piece of wood and perhaps some paint or a marker.

Wandered home to drop off my sign and pet the cat a while before going out in search of a meal.

The drizzle picked up a bit. Euck, being wet. To compensate, sprayed a little "Satin" on lapel. It did smell good.

For now, Rorschach


  1. Thanks for your concern, Rorschach. Believe me, I am watching the news and taking what precautions I can to protect myself. I have been feeling somewhat under the weather, but nothing like what the reported symtpoms are. I really think it has more to do with allergies, constant rains (it flooded a couple of times in the past few days), and finals being due soon. However, if I really start to feel sick, I will be sure to seek treatment. Don't worry about me.

    Too bad about your banner. It was sacrificed for a good cause, though. Nice to see that other citizens are acting.

    Shari sounds like a sweetheart, and you're one as well for keeping in touch with her.

    Veidt has been denied again, huzzah! Looks like we're safe from him for the next few years now (unless he escapes somehow), eh?

    I hope you had a good meal! Take care of yourself, too.

  2. Oh, I think that guy dressed in black is an anarchist. They like to go to demonstrations and cause havoc. I hear they generally don't physically attack people, but you never know.

    Picture here:

  3. Thank you for your comments Redkora, though I've seen some these anarchists around town this one looked more like a street thug. However, they do look similar. Hurm, must remember to investigate further! Thanks for the tip!

    For now, Rorschach

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your sign being damaged - great move though. I've made lots of protest signs over the years, but none of them have had that sort of power!

    As for the Swine Flu and the border issue - it's too bad that Mexico didn't close its borders to American business. I was reading in the Guardian that the Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico has being traced to a farm owned and run by the American company Smithfield. It's a huge operation here in VA where I live. I'd be surprised if the illness can't be connected somehow to the practice of "factory farming." It's terrible how the tragedy is being used by many of the "talking heads" as a method to raise anti-immigrant feeling.

    I'm glad that Veidt remains in jail - there's a lot more CEO's who should be in there to keep him company.

    I hope that you enjoyed your meal.
