Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 20th, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 20th, 5:49pm

Rorschach’s Journal

Quiet Night tonight. Feeling under the weather. Spent most of the bright sunny day sniffling with a sore throat. Grumbled to myself for the most part. Didn’t really feel like doing much of anything, honestly.

Spent the afternoon eating fairly well at the local soup kitchen, Martha’s Table. Amazingly staffed by caring people.

With a full stomach and an arm load of today’s papers, resolved to spend the evening in, with the windows open. It had been perfect weather for a late spring day in DC. Blue sky, gentle breezes.

Walked up the stairs to my apartment. Wandered passed the Landlady. She smiled at me generously. I nodded in return.

“Mr. Novaks, how is that little boy of yours doing these days?” She questioned, friendly neighbor talk.

“Fine, growing.” I said succinctly. “He’s a little frisky, but amusing.”

“Aw, well, I’m glad he’s doing well. I had a feeling you were a cat person when I saw you.” She said as she looked at me. “He’s not tripping you anymore?”

“Eh?” I looked at her.

“That night, you had a black eye…”

“Oh yes, no he’s not tripping me anymore.” I had almost forgot that that was the story I had told her that night I had the fight with that gang and came home with a black eye and some bruises. “Have a good evening Ma’am.” I nodded at her as I let myself in my apartment. She called after me to have a good evening as well.

James had been waiting for me. He had been sitting in a small pool of light that had cascaded in from the window. My room was west facing so I would get evening sun. It being a little late, the last of it was beaming in and James always took advantage of it. He stood up and meowed at me.

“Well hello, stinker.” I said as I knelt down and stroked him on the head.

James responded by purring and chin rubs. He was growing fast. He was going to be a large cat. His legs were fairly long and still had yet to grow in to them. The black pattern of his coat was getting darker and more pronounced, and his eyes had deepened from a pale yellow to a greenish gold. He was shaping up to be a really beautiful cat. For a moment I wondered if I deserved to have him. Did I ever deserve anything good in my life? I hoped so.

I cracked the window open just wide enough for some air, but not so much for James to get out and sat down on my one chair. James hopped up into my lap as I sat and read my papers, sneezing occasionally.

For a moment I looked at my forlorn mattress on the floor. I had procured It last week. A close out sale at the local charity shop. Fortunately, it was clean enough, no bugs, and it had afforded me, finally, some good sleep, relatively speaking.

I groaned a moment from feeling ill and just sat and pet the cat a while as I stared out the window. No going out tonight, would just be radio and the cat. Justice would have to wait another night.

For now, Rorschach

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 13th, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, Wednesday 3:10pm

A beautiful day, at last, in the DC area. The weather is dry, sky blue, temperature moderate. I hoped that crime would be down too, but knew that it never would be.

Spent the morning looking through the usual trash bins. Managed to find a few useful items. A bent fork. Straightened and cleaned it would be useful around the house. Found an odd earring. Gold colored with come clear stones. Not sure if any of it was real, but put it in the pocket as well. Who would throw away diamonds, after all?

Found the latest issue of a local visitor's guide. That would serve me well for making my rounds, to know where all the tourists go so that perhaps they may be inclined to offer donations.

Lastly, some coupons for cat treats as well as for jello cups and some kind of wine. I left the wine coupons. Didn't drink. Dulled the senses. The jello would be a good treat, however.

Managed to stop in local soup kitchen for a bit to eat. Didn't make it a routine, just that lately I hadn't been eating all that much. Still been saving the remains of the $1000 that Shari gave me. I have about $800 left after vet bills and pet supplies. I hoped to use that money to travel across country, if Daniel wanted a visit.

Speaking of Daniel, decided I ought to check my email at the library. Hadn't been in a while and though I am eager to check it, I hadn't wanted to make it a habit. I had heard that email and the computer was addicting. I could see that the computer was a valuable tool; I just hadn't wanted it to suck me in. I wondered if Miss Dorian was in today.

I made my way to the Library as usual, wandered in and checked my sign at the desk. Dorian wasn't there. I thought to ask for her, but to what end? Small talk? There was no sign of her, not even her easy laughter from the back area. So, I made my way to my preferred computer and sat and logged in.

Upon logging onto Yahoo mail quickly revealed three messages. One from Shari updating me on her progress. All was well. She was throwing a party in a couple of weeks and asked for my presence. Not sure it was wise; however, I endeavored to think about it.

The other two were from Daniel. I smiled slightly for a moment and opened the older one. What assaulted me was a letter that looked to be pages long. For a moment I questioned my decision to contact him, however, Daniel was always an eager and forthcoming friend. I wondered if I had enough computer time to read the entire letter!

It started out: "Dear Rors, oh my God! It is you! How've you been? Where are you now? I've missed you! Why haven't you contacted me sooner?"

"Your phone number didn't work." I grumbled under my breath at the screen.

"God so much has happened since I last saw you, what was it, 8 years ago? 9? The kids grew up! They're off to college now! You'd be so proud of them, Rorschach, they really matured once they hit 16 and really hit the books. One is studying Law and the other is studying Zoology. A chip off the old block, if you ask me."

I paused from reading that, I wondered if his son was going into ornithology, something Daniel had always wanted but never managed.

"I even went back and got my Masters! You guessed it, Owls. What else? LOL! So anyway, Laurie divorced me, Rors can you believe it?"

For a moment I sat back in my chair and snorted under my breath, "Yes, I can believe it". I never really trusted her, not since the whole boyfriend hopping she did back in the 80s. Found Daniel right away and instantly got involved. I frowned. She had a God and didn't appreciate it. I simply was wondering how long her time with Daniel would last if a God wasn't even good enough. I wondered a moment what would have made her want to leave. I leaned forward and continued to read.

"I know you don't like her, Rors, even though she did defend you to John last time back in, what was it 2000? But still I figured you'd be surprised. Anyway, she told me I was too focused on the crime fighting and the Owls. I really can't believe it because she was totally into the owls and the crime fighting there for a long while. But I guess when Wally got involved with Owls too she drew the line. Didn't help that that is his focus for his Zoology degree. Now Wally wants to get into crime fighting as well…actually so does Danny Jr. and Laurie just flipped out. God, how can a woman be so damned conflicted about something is beyond me? And the crime fighting with her, she drives me up the wall. She'd say 'I hate it, I love it, Mom forced me, I want to do it, we're a team, you forced me to do it.' God help me, I still love her, Rors, but you know, she won't even talk to me. She's hooked up with some celebrity or something. I forget which show he's on, American Idolatry or something like. Not a major celebrity or anything, just the host, I think. Ryan Oceancrest. Have you heard of him? Anyway, it's kind of a May September thing and the whole Cougar relationship. She's still pretty hot!"

I sat there, at my computer, my cheek resting on my hand as I continued to read. Daniel was prattling, actually.

"She just said one day, 'I can't take it anymore, Dan', which was a surprise to me because we hadn't really been fighting much lately. I guess she just kind of got bored of me. You know me, I'm kind of a simple pleasures guy and I like beach walks and nice dinners and hanging around the house reading and I guess that wasn't exciting enough for her. Why did she marry me in the first place if that's not what she wants?"

"Um, because she's a whore." I commented at the computer screen.

"I know what you are probably saying, that she's a whore. And I don't think you're right, it's not as cut and dried like that, but I'd say that Laurie is the kind of person who will never be satisfied with anything. I just hope that she doesn't decide to be with me because I'm her last choice or that she's exhausted her excitement, you know? I don’t' want to be the left overs. In all these years I've decided that I deserve better, you know?"

I looked at the time on the computer clock and then continued to read.

"So anyway, with and without Laurie I made a few trips around the world. I've been to a lot of European countries, my favorite one was Italy. So beautiful! And I've been to some South American countries and I've been to Japan. Met up with some people who were crime fighting out there. It's not banned outside of the United States, so it was a lot of fun. It's amazing how the crime rate is so much lower everywhere else. At least, Thank God Veidt is still in jail though, huh?"

My time for the computer was nearly out so I started to read more quickly.

"That's kind of the major stuff in a nut shell. Say I'd love to hear from you, old friend. Or should I say young friend, huh? You're younger than me now. Must be nice. But then again, I guess being exploded and in limbo wasn't so much. Anyway, here's my number 310-555-0634. Call me any time, you can even call collect!

Your friend, Daniel."

"Whew" I said as I closed the email. "That was long." I uttered and then opened Daniel's second email.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was so busy talking about my stuff that I hadn't asked you, what are you doing these days? Are you still fighting crime? I heard rumors that there was a mask operating in DC, and I figured it was you. New Frontiersman kind of hinted at your return, but it was really vague. I noticed they're reprinting your journal! Wow what times, huh? Anyway, let me know, maybe sometime we can get back together and make a run out in Archie for old time's sake. Daniel."

I blinked at the screen. Daniel had always been talkative. I was not surprised to see that it hadn't diminished in his 60s. I also was not surprised to hear of Laurie's departure.

I would have to think about a length response to Daniel's questions. I simply returned an email to him, "Daniel, thank you for your letter. I use the computer at the library and do not have enough time currently to respond, however, I will respond in a few days with details of my life as well as perhaps give you a call. Your friend, Rorschach."

As I suspected, he wanted us to meet again. At least now I knew he was amenable to the idea. A moment later, I checked the computer clock. My time had expired, so I signed out and made my way to the front desk to collect my sign. All the while thinking of Daniel and his lengthy excited letter.

Onward to a cup of coffee, the newspapers of the day and home to James. Tonight would be a good night for a 'walk' as well.

For now, Rorschach

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 6th, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, Wednesday May 6th, 2009, 9:56 pm

Late in the day. Stomach grumbling. Missed dinner. Hadn't been wandering with End is Nigh sign for a while. Donations had been low as a result. Been trying to find a piece of Plywood that would be suitable for sign construction, since my last sign broke.

Finally found scrap wood behind a local hardware store. Fortunately, the nails already in my wood handle were still usable. Spent another day looking for paint. Resorted to purchasing some cheap paint at the local drugstore.

Sitting now, on the floor of my apartment, paint in hand. Red paint this time. It was what they had on hand in the school supply area. Used my fingers to paint. Made the best of it. It wasn't meant to be a masterpiece.

Spent most of the time shooing James off my small project. Either he would come over and try to stick his nose in my paint cup, or want to sit on the wet sign.

"Get out of here!" I had to snap at one point. He was like a boomerang. Every time I got him off my sign he'd get back on it. Mercifully, he conceded and went to curl up on his pillow, after, of course, urgently grooming one small spot on his side. Why, I didn't know. I found he often did that. I surmised it was a dignity groom. Cats were strange.

After finishing, I looked at my work. It was ok. Got the point across. There were a few drips, but by and large it would serve its purpose. I then propped the sign out of the way so that James wouldn't get to it and decided to wash my hands and get ready for a night stroll.

"You be good, no monkey business with the sign." I said sternly at James who meowed back at me.
Before long I was dressed and out the apartment window.

It had been raining on and off for the last week. The streets seemed perpetually wet. I found myself avoiding large puddles as I walked along the dark misty streets. Even the whores stayed under awnings if they were outside at all. Made for more peaceful streets.

Still, thugs were out and about occasionally. A family had been shot the night before. Some random drive by shooting. I wish there was more I could do to stop those kind of shootings, however I couldn't outrun the cars. I did, however, have excellent vision so I'd gotten many a license plate number to report to police. Anonymously, of course.

I slipped my gloved hands in my pockets as I walked along. Peeped into a store window or two. All was well. Stood and stared at the television in one window. The closed captioning was on and it was the news. Just the tail end, before an idiot buffoonery late night show of some sort started up. A feel good story about a three legged dog and someone adopting him. At least something went well for someone.

I walked a few more blocks and turned a corner. Just in the distance two men were scuffling. The younger smaller man fought hard against his attacker, but was losing the battle. My movement caught his eye and he screamed out for help. Without a moment's though I sprinted up to the larger man and quickly grabbed a finger and pulled it back.

The larger man broke his hold on the younger man, who fell to the ground. The larger then made a grab for me. I snatched another finger. "Before you continue to fight, tell me what's going on here." I couldn't be too careful. It was possible that the young man was the aggressor. One never could tell these days.

The young man held one of his eyes, looking quite upset, "I was coming home from the metro and this asshole attacked me! Wanted to steal my wallet."

"Hey, shut up man! I'll kill you." I pulled his finger back ready to break it.

"Quiet." I ordered calmly. He struggled, so I snapped his finger and took hold of a fresh one. He howled a while before calming down.

The young man continued, "After I gave it to him he said he was still going to rape me and kill me, and not necessarily in that order either." He looked like he was going to cry a moment, genuine emotion. "I don't know what I would have done if someone hadn't come. You're a mask aren't you? Thank God some of you are still around." He said as he wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve.

I turned my patterned face to the larger man. Large, hulking, rough looking, white man with frizzy blond hair.

"Right, you little shit," He sneered at me, "What are you doing to do about it? Breaking my finger, like a pansy little girl? , I'll kill you too and ra….."

Before he could finish I snapped the next finger. He struggled, but I managed to quickly twist his arms till he fell off balance. I then put a heel to the back of his head and knocked him out swiftly. He lay on the pavement, still breathing.

I then looked at the young man, "Be sure to be caref…." Sirens and lights broke off my lecture. A police car came speeding up to interrupt us. "Dammit." I said as I bolted off.

"Stop! Freeze!" A couple of cops leapt out of the car. One stopped at the young man, the other pursued me. This was different than that time at the Rum Runner. No capture this time. I was easy on that Swat team. I'll not be so gentile this time.

I turned the corner and sprinted down the alley as I heard the cop huffing and puffing behind me, slowing down. Just at that moment, a voice on the radio stopped him. "Look, the chief just wants to talk to you!" He shouted after me.

I stopped at the other end of the alley, ready to turn the corner and disappear in the maze of small allies nearby. "No!" I pointed violently at him, "Tricks!"

"Please, he's just coming now. Please, hear him out and then leave if you want." The cop said as he held his arms up to show he wasn't going to try anything. "I'll just stay here and do nothing." He said as looked over his shoulder as someone approached.

It was the officer from the other night. The one who had seen me and not reported me. .

"Rorschach. The same Rorschach?" He said and smiled sincerely.

"What is this?" I questioned with my roughened voice and glanced occasionally to my left to make sure the way was clear.

The chief approached non-aggressively with his hands up. His uniform and coat were wet from the rain, "I remember you, Rorschach. I was a teenager in New York back in the 70's."

He reached to about 10 feet away before I put up a hand for him to stay where he was.

"Sure." I said, curtly.

"Really, my folks were mask supporters. And so was I. I hated that the Keene act put a stop to the crime fighting, but you kept going, fighting for innocent people." He said, "maybe your methods were harsh, but honestly, it's all that people would understand at that point." He tipped his head, "You disappeared for the longest time. Did Manhattan have something to do with that? You can't be nearly 70." He started to ramble.

"This is a trick." I felt some paranoia creep up in me.

"No, no trick. The Keene act was a push by the police so that they didn't have to compete with the Masks. You all had no rules."

"I have rules."

"Yes, I know *you* do, but we have written rules we had to follow. And some resented you." He continued, "But all this time, I believed that we needed all the help we could get. God help us, New York and DC didn't improve with Veidt's plan whether your expose was released or not. Crime didn't subside, it grew worse." He relaxed his arms, "I need your help, Rorschach."

I really couldn't believe my ears. The police were asking for my help. "Nice try."

"Well, honestly whether we admit it or not, you are going to keep on patrolling, so we may as well work together than against each other." The chief said. "I'm a powerful man on the police force. Our methods are failing, Rorschach. The more people we capture, the more they scoff at us and continue to kill innocent people. Like that family last night. Two children under the age of 10 and both parents." He paused, looking upset at that, "We can't be everywhere, and neither can you. But with your help to terrify them, and our help to apprehend them, when we both can, perhaps we can make at least a dent here." He eyed me, “Like the other night, when you took down that gang. You know that lone survivor? He’s in a halfway house now. Turned himself around. Thanks to you.”


"Of course I sound like an idiot, because you are going to keep doing what you are doing whether I ask you or not, but I wanted to say that, my men and I, we'll not see you if you remove some of the worst from the streets." He paused, "By that I mean the dealers, the murderers, the rapists..."

"I get your point." I said as I stepped back out from the corner. All this talking and still no one had tried to bum rush me. Perhaps he was being sincere. Deciding to take a chance, I walked up closer to the Chief. His name tag said Brennan, "If you truly know of me, then you know not to double cross me."

"I certainly do." He said as he held out a hand for me to shake.

I took his hand and shook. He perked up and shook in return, smiling.

"Leave me to my methods." I said, darkly.

Brennan nodded, "I understand." He said as he released my hand, "I suppose, then, we'll be seeing you." He paused, "Oh, let me give you my phone number." He produced a business card from his pocket and handed it to me. "Don't let anyone know you have it. It could get me into trouble, working with you."

I nodded. Truly, he was going against police rules, but it wasn't something I was too trouble by.

"How can I get a hold of you, if we need to?" He said, sincerely.

I looked up at him, "I'll think about it, and will get back to you. Chief Brennan." I said as he seemed to accept that answer and backed away.

"Fair enough, Rorschach." He said with a smile, and then turned and motioned to his subordinate. They walked out of the wide alley leaving me to myself and the card in my hand.

Bemused, I made my way out of the alley and watched from a safe place as an ambulance carted way both the attacker and victim. Thought about how a police chief can turn his back on the system. His job was to take people in and prosecute them, not work with someone outside the law. Times must be desperate indeed.

Wet night. I shook the water droplets from my shoulders, slipped my hands into my pockets and wandered along the lonely streets away from trouble.

For now, Rorschach.