Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 20th, 2009

Rorschach's Journal, May 20th, 5:49pm

Rorschach’s Journal

Quiet Night tonight. Feeling under the weather. Spent most of the bright sunny day sniffling with a sore throat. Grumbled to myself for the most part. Didn’t really feel like doing much of anything, honestly.

Spent the afternoon eating fairly well at the local soup kitchen, Martha’s Table. Amazingly staffed by caring people.

With a full stomach and an arm load of today’s papers, resolved to spend the evening in, with the windows open. It had been perfect weather for a late spring day in DC. Blue sky, gentle breezes.

Walked up the stairs to my apartment. Wandered passed the Landlady. She smiled at me generously. I nodded in return.

“Mr. Novaks, how is that little boy of yours doing these days?” She questioned, friendly neighbor talk.

“Fine, growing.” I said succinctly. “He’s a little frisky, but amusing.”

“Aw, well, I’m glad he’s doing well. I had a feeling you were a cat person when I saw you.” She said as she looked at me. “He’s not tripping you anymore?”

“Eh?” I looked at her.

“That night, you had a black eye…”

“Oh yes, no he’s not tripping me anymore.” I had almost forgot that that was the story I had told her that night I had the fight with that gang and came home with a black eye and some bruises. “Have a good evening Ma’am.” I nodded at her as I let myself in my apartment. She called after me to have a good evening as well.

James had been waiting for me. He had been sitting in a small pool of light that had cascaded in from the window. My room was west facing so I would get evening sun. It being a little late, the last of it was beaming in and James always took advantage of it. He stood up and meowed at me.

“Well hello, stinker.” I said as I knelt down and stroked him on the head.

James responded by purring and chin rubs. He was growing fast. He was going to be a large cat. His legs were fairly long and still had yet to grow in to them. The black pattern of his coat was getting darker and more pronounced, and his eyes had deepened from a pale yellow to a greenish gold. He was shaping up to be a really beautiful cat. For a moment I wondered if I deserved to have him. Did I ever deserve anything good in my life? I hoped so.

I cracked the window open just wide enough for some air, but not so much for James to get out and sat down on my one chair. James hopped up into my lap as I sat and read my papers, sneezing occasionally.

For a moment I looked at my forlorn mattress on the floor. I had procured It last week. A close out sale at the local charity shop. Fortunately, it was clean enough, no bugs, and it had afforded me, finally, some good sleep, relatively speaking.

I groaned a moment from feeling ill and just sat and pet the cat a while as I stared out the window. No going out tonight, would just be radio and the cat. Justice would have to wait another night.

For now, Rorschach


  1. I hope you feel better, Rorscach. Rest, and take care of yourself. Please, don't forgo going to go to a clinic of some sort if you become very ill. Justice can't be if there is no one to mete it out.

    I was feeling ill a couple of weeks ago. Sleep, orange juice, and straight vitamin C helped a great deal. You won't overdose on vitamin C, but it will give you bowel troubles if you take too much. I know this from experience.

    James sounds like the perfect little friend for you, and from your description, he sounds gorgeous!

    For everything you do, I think you *do* deserve James and much more. I'd shake your hand if I could to show my appreciation. (I'd hug you, but I know you don't find that agreeable.) Again, I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

  2. I just remembered that if you don't have refrigeration, but have water, you can mix Tang with some water as an orange juice substitute. Like orange juice, it supposedly has about 100% daily value of vitamin C.

  3. I hope that you're feeling better. There's nothing like curling up with a cat to improve just about any situation. You might try some "cough candy" to help your throat. It's an English anise flavoured boiled sweet i.e. hard candy.

    Of course, Redkora is right - you can't really go wrong with vitamin C.

  4. Thank you both for your comments. I seemed to have gotten worse the day after my blog. Ended up sleeping most of the time, however, things have greatly improved, with James' help and I am gradually recovering.

    There's English candy and French candy everything but American candy. It's gone like coke in green bottles. Sorry, had a flash back.

    For now, Rorschach

  5. I just recently spent 18 months living in England and my adopted Dad (who's English) introduced me to cough candy - it's really a miracle cure.

    But speaking of American candy - my local grocery store sells Necco candies which I haven't seen since I was a child and now I buy a couple of rolls each week. American candy is on a come back.

    Glad to hear that you're feeling better.

  6. Hey Rorschach, I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you're safe. Take care.
