Monday, March 9, 2009

Rorschach's Journal 3/9/09 8:04pm

Rorschach's Journal, March 9th, 2009 8:04pm

Family of rats uncovered behind storefront on way home. Dirty, like this city, full of debauchery and prostitution. Climbed stairs to reunite with face and clothes for foray into night. Bumped into Landlord. Discussion of animals in apartment. Confused by topic and shrugged it off.

Put on face, clothes, looked out window before climbing out. Chilly air, new city, same filth. On to investigate bank robbery. Find some food. Break some fingers.

For now, Rorschach


  1. Although I'm a flaming liberal and an intellectual wannabe, I must confess that I'm delighted to see your journal posted on the net. Keep up the good work, justice is in short supply. There's sugar cubes on my kitchen counter, consider yourself at home.

    ~ Welsh Dragon

  2. Well, Welsh Dragon, I may have to over look your flaming liberal leanings for a Sugar Cube replenishment visit. Since Dreiberg ran off with floozie sugar connections have been fewer. Any baked beans in your cabinet?

    Justice important, must keep the people informed and protected. Veidt is a maniac. People must know!

    For now, Rorschach

  3. We're well supplied with baked beans - vegetarian style. I hope that won't be a problem. They're stacked right below the microwave. Feel free to heat them up if you'd like. Can sympathize with your thirst for justice - I've been on the same sort of crusade regarding George W. Bush with very little success.


    Welsh Dragon
